

Introducing the series:

The Adventures of a Wandering Albatross named Al

Book 4 - release date 26 Oct 2023

Al's Misty Christmas Quest

Al's flown all the way from South Africa to the Isle of Man to spend Christmas with his good friends, Isla and Hugo. When everyone in the house is tucked up in bed, Al waits by the kitchen window hoping to see Father Christmas, but when things outside suddenly get covered by a mysterious mist, it's not Santa who appears by the fireplace but rather a magnificent white horse, with an equally magnificent flowing white mane.

She introduces herself as Enbarr, horse to the sea god, Manannan mac Lir, who's sent her to save Christmas Day, and the island from a band of maraudering Vikings who are on their way. But in order to fulfill her quest she is going to need the help of Al and his chums.

"Wake up the children Al, there's work to be done,

deliver all the presents and send the invaders back from whence they come.

We must complete our quest before Christmas Day greets the sun,

wake up the children, there's work to be done!

And so the quest begins, but who will win out the day!


Book 3:

First Day of School

It's Al's first day of school and he's Supa Dupa excited!

So much so that he's already had two poo's and another might be on the way. There's just so much occupying his mind that he can't stay still. Not least, the opportunity to wear his new school blazer when he flies into Knysna, a small South African town wedged perfectly between ancient milkwood forests, the Indian Ocean and a beautiful blue lagoon.

Above all else, what's really making Al jump with excitement about his first day of school is the anticipation of learning lots of new things and making lots of new friends. But don't just take my word for it, turn the pages and see for yourself how well Al's first day of school turns out!

Book 2:

One Good Turn Deserves Another

Following his first big adventure of learning how to fly, Al's now on his way to seeing the world. But after a day and a night of non stop flying, his hungry tummy is telling him that it's time to eat. Spying a fishing boat below, he chooses to ignore his mummy's sound advice on staying away from fishermen's nets and ends up being the catch of the day!

With his fate decided by the snarly fishermen, Al cries out for his mummy to come and save him, but his mummy can't hear him. His only hope is that another angel of mercy does!

Book 1:

Time To Go

Say hello to Al, our adorable hero who's preparing to leave home and begin his worldwide adventures. But before he leaves the nest, for the first and what should be the very last time, there's just one more life skill Al's parents must teach their impatient youngster; HOW TO FLY!

Whilst not lacking in confidence, Al was born with a physical disability that might put an end to his wandering ways before he even gets started. Buckle up girls and boys, we could all be in for a bumpy ride!

Other books by Marion Prince

Women Cry Men Lie

We are all capable of telling an untruth, but men seem particularly adept at it. They possess an unidentifiable cell that neither Einstein, Freud, or any other eminent male mind has managed to uncover. Maybe, they all chose not to look! Ironically, a wise man once told me - show me an honest man and I'll show you a liar. Sometimes, little white lies are said out of love, as a mechanism of protection, but whether spoken with good intent, or something more sinister, the result can often be the cause of irreparable damage.

Following the same path her two sisters' had trodden a year earlier, 18 year old Kathleen crosses Ireland's symbolic 'bridge of fears,' to go in search of a better life.

On the road to Dublin, initiated by a sad twist of fate, she becomes dislodged from a pleasant enough seat of an ageing bus, finding herself compelled to seek the assistance of a friendly Samaritan. He eventually comes to her aide in the form of Lord George KIngsley, but not before she catches the devilish blue eyes of two others. 

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